Sunday Curations – Top 1% PM’s, AI Learning Resources & more
Our favourite podcasts, Tweets & AI resources of the week
We continue a bit further down the AI rabbit hole with a collection of ML Learning resources (for beginners & advanced). But this sunday we also have: Human Psychology (choosing not to know) and advise on how to become an elite Product Manager. Enjoy!
Becoming a Top 1% PM
A very interesting conversation on Product Development, going deep into PM Skills. If you have a Fount Playlist for saving podcasts, add this one to your listen later list.
AI Learning Resources – in one Thread
With the hype around generative AI models, many are going down the ML rabbit hole (author included). Here is a good collection of ressoucres to get started 👇
A few that we liked especially:
Standford’s open courseware is great:
Especially the deep dive into the technology that enables GPT-3:
And a few book recommendations (more advanced):
Human Psychology
Choosing not to know – a paper by Ralph Hertwig and Christopf Engel:
Although humans are often portrayed as informavores, the circumstances under which they refrain from acquiring or consulting information are many and varied. Take, for instance, individuals at risk of Huntington’s disease. Nearly everyone with the defective gene who lives long enough will go on to develop this devastating condition. Yet only 3% to 25% of those at high risk opt to take the near-perfect test available to identify carriers of the gene (e.g., Creighton et al., 2003; Yaniv, Benador, & Sagi, 2004). Similarly, up to 55% of people who decide to be tested for HIV subsequently do not return to learn their result (Hightow et al., 2003).
And last but not least, one our favourite quotes:

Happy curating! And let us know what you discovered in the Discord.
– the Fount Team